PlateToPeople is a dedicated non-profit organization that plays a crucial role in alleviating hunger in our community and beyond. Our mission is to collect surplus food from restaurants, schools, and other businesses, and distribute it to those who are in need, particularly the homeless. We firmly believe that every individual deserves access to healthy and nutritious food, regardless of their circumstances.

At PlateToPeople, we understand the urgency and severity of hunger. Our team of passionate volunteers work tirelessly to collect and distribute food that would otherwise go to waste. By bridging the gap between food surplus and food insecurity, we aim to combat hunger and ensure that no one goes to bed hungry.

Through our extensive network of partner restaurants, schools, and businesses, we are able to gather a substantial amount of excess food on a regular basis. Our dedicated team ensures that this food is promptly collected, sorted, and distributed to various shelters, soup kitchens, and outreach programs. By collaborating with local organizations and community leaders, we are able to reach those who need food the most.

We are committed to making a lasting impact in our community. By addressing the root causes of hunger and food waste, we strive to create a more sustainable and equitable food system. Our work not only provides immediate relief to those experiencing food insecurity, but also promotes long-term solutions through education and advocacy.

PlateToPeople firmly believes in the power of collective action. We encourage individuals, businesses, and organizations to join us in our fight against hunger. Whether it’s through volunteering, donating, or spreading awareness about the issue, we can all contribute to creating a world where no one goes hungry.

Join us in our mission to end hunger and provide food for those in need. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for everyone.

For more information about PlateToPeople and how you can get involved, please explore our website and find out how you can make a positive impact in the lives of those who are hungry.


PLATETOPEOPLE, a non-profit organization came into existence as a result of our experiences working in various restaurants and school settings. Over time, we noticed an alarming amount of food being wasted on a daily basis. This realization sparked a desire within us to take action and make a difference.

Motivated by the desire to address the issue of food waste, we embarked on a mission to create something that would not only benefit homeless individuals but also contribute positively to the environment. We firmly believed that there had to be a way to utilize the surplus food that would otherwise go to waste.

Driven by our passion, we eagerly shared our vision with friends and family, spreading our message of combating food waste and promoting sustainability. Through word of mouth and personal connections, our network of supporters began to grow.

Recognizing the power of technology, we decided to launch a website and a blog to further amplify our cause. These digital platforms would serve as a hub for information, updates, and resources, enabling us to reach a wider audience and engage with like-minded individuals who shared our concern for both the homeless population and the environment.

With our website and blog, we aimed to create a virtual space that not only raises awareness about the issue of food waste but also provides practical solutions and inspiration for others to take action. By sharing success stories, educational content, and tips on reducing food waste, we hope to empower individuals to make a positive impact in their own lives and communities.

Through the collective efforts of our team and the support of our growing network, we are committed to making a tangible difference. Together, we believe that by addressing the problem of food waste, we can alleviate hunger, create a more sustainable future, and foster a sense of community and empathy.

Join us on this journey as we work towards a world where no food goes to waste and where everyone has access to nutritious meals. Together, we can create a better future for both people and the planet.